When people think about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, they often presume that only older people are eligible for these types of benefits. However, anyone between the ages of 18 to 64 can apply for SSDI. That said, age can play a major factor in...
Firm News
What should you do after being injured on the job?
Getting injured while working is far from an enjoyable experience. In fact, it's an experience you may have hoped would never occur. If the injury is serious enough, you'll likely get some time off, but it won't be a vacation. You'll be facing recovery and a legal...
Workers’ compensation timelines you must know
When dealing with workers' compensation, you always have to meet deadlines. If you miss a deadline, it could delay your claim or even lead to a denial. It is vital that you not only understand the process but know who needs to do what and when throughout. Having this...
Common reasons an SSDI claim is denied
You expected your claim to sail through the application process, and instead received only a form rejection letter. Many people face this same situation when applying for SSDI benefits. There are a few common reasons many first-time claims end in denial: Not enough...
How does workers’ compensation protect Colorado workers?
Work is a daily reality for most adults including those in Colorado which is why Colorado workers should be familiar with all the workplace protections available to them. Workers' compensation is a primary protection for Colorado workers injured on the job or...
What to know when applying for Social Security disability
Social Security disability (SSD) is an important resource for disabled individuals who are unable to care for themselves as they used to be able to. They should know how to navigate the process as best as possible including how to qualify for Social Security...
Preparing for a Social Security disability hearing
This blog recently talked about the importance of the Social Security disability hearing process so it might be helpful to look at it in a little more detail. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an initial application for Social Security disability benefits to be...
Two workers killed in workplace accident
Workers' compensation benefits are here for Colorado families when they need them following a workplace accident or fatal workplace accident. Two bodies were recently recovered in northern Colorado following a fatal workplace accident. The two workers were killed when...
Workers’ compensation benefits protect injured Colorado workers
Workers' compensation benefits can be vital for many injured workers and their families which is why injured workers and their families should be familiar with workers' compensation benefits available in Colorado. Workers' compensation disability benefits can help...
Social Security disability for disabled individuals over 50
This blog recently discussed seniors and how they can obtain Social Security disability benefits. It is also useful to be aware of when those over 50 can obtain Social Security disability (SSD) benefits when they need them. Social Security disability benefits can help...
Our Office Location
21 E Monument Street, Suite B
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: 719-387-9866
Fax: 719-633-0628
Practice Areas
Social Security
Disability (SSD)
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