Work-related illnesses and injuries are more common than you may think. In fact, in 2020 alone, employers reported more than 2.5 million such cases, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fortunately, many of these sick and injured workers were eligible for workers’ compensation benefits to help them manage their recoveries.
If you suffer a workplace injury or illness, you may have medical bills and other expenses you simply cannot pay. To boost your chances of receiving workers’ compensation benefits as quickly as possible, you should collect relevant information.
At the time of your injury
It is advisable to save as much evidence as you can about your injury or illness. At the time of the accident, if possible, you should take some photographs of the scene and your injuries. You should also talk to any witnesses at your workplace who may have seen the accident or know about it.
Additionally, you probably want to keep documentation that proves you were at work when the accident occurred.
During your treatment
Even if you think you have emerged from a workplace accident unscathed, it is wise to ask a doctor to examine you. After all, some symptoms may not show up immediately. During your treatment, you should keep all medical records. These may include test results, prescriptions, your doctor’s orders and therapy reports.
Furthermore, you should maintain a record of all relevant correspondence you have with your employer and treatment team. Ultimately, while it may be difficult to maintain good records throughout your recovery, keeping a detailed file helps you minimize workers’ compensation delays.