Most Colorado workers know that they are covered by the workers’ compensation insurance fund, but they may be unfamiliar with the intricacies of the coverage. Workplace injuries that cause workers to lose money due to their inability to work while recuperating are typically of high concern. It is not uncommon for a treating physician to declare that a worker is fit to perform light duty tasks, and work restrictions will be specified. The experienced attorneys at Weddell & Haller can help injured employees with understanding their workers’ rights.
If an employer offers a light duty work program within the restrictions provided by the doctor, the worker must perform these duties in order to receive remuneration. Workers who refuse to do the light duty tasks may be in danger of termination of their employ. However, some companies do not offer light duty work programs, in which cases, injured workers may be eligible for temporary disability benefits.
Being able to take part in such a modified work program may be advantageous because it provides a worker with the opportunity to earn an income while recuperating. If the company’s light duty work program is not compatible with the restrictions ordered by the treating physician, the worker will be unable to perform the duties. In such cases, workers will be entitled to workers’ compensation.
Injured workers in Colorado who are unsure of their workers’ rights and the rules and regulations related to light duty work programs may benefit from consulting with one of the experienced attorneys at Weddell & Haller. Our legal team will provide guidance and support throughout the administrative and judicial proceedings of workers’ compensation claims. Allowing us to pursue your claim for benefits will afford you the opportunity to recover from your injury and return to your regular duties as soon as possible.