The Social Security Administration may begin evaluating social media posts when considering claims for Social Security disability, according to recent news. Currently, social media is reviewed for fraud but it was recently included in the latest budget proposal to expand the use of social media reviews to applications for Social Security disability benefits as well.
Though some concerns have been raised related to the recent proposal, especially since social media posts can be taken out of context, it is always a good idea for applicants for disability benefits to be familiar with the processes involved when pursuing a Social Security disability claim. By doing so, disabled individuals can avoid potential pitfalls, increase their chances of success, and significantly speed up the time it takes to recover benefits. This is no small thing considering the significant delays that the program already faces and the potential exacerbation of those delays if social media review is implemented.
Social Security disability claims processing is usually a lengthy process that results in an initial denial of benefits. As a result, disabled applicants should be prepared to present evidence of their disability, including medical records. They should also know how the Social Security Administration defines disability as it pertains to their particular medical condition and how to present the strongest initial claim possible. If the claim is initially denied, keeping in mind that most are, it is also essential to understand appeals options.
There are many ways for disabled applicants to become discouraged during the Social Security disability claims process. If they know what to expect, though, they can better position themselves to obtain the benefits they need to help them while they are unable to work because of their disability.