One of the biggest concerns injured workers and their families may have following a workplace accident and workplace injury is how they will support themselves and their families while they are unable to work. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits in Colorado include lost income benefits to help injured workers.
Lost income benefits can help replace some of the income the injured worker has lost because of either a workplace injury or an occupational illness. When an injured worker’s income has been impacted by a workplace injury or illness, workers’ compensation benefits are available to help offset some of their losses while they are recovering and are unable to work.
There are a couple of different types of benefits that may be available and it is important to note that the lost income benefits that may be available depend on the specific nature of the worker’s injury, illness and situation. One type of benefits injured workers may be able to receive include temporary income benefits. There are two different types of temporary income benefits. Injured workers who experience a temporary total disability can receive two-thirds of their weekly wage as workers’ compensation benefits while they are receiving medical treatment for their work-related injury of illness. In circumstances of temporary partial disability, the injured worker may be able to receive a portion of their income through workers’ compensation.
In circumstances when the injured worker suffers from permanent total disability, workers’ compensation benefits will pay two-thirds of their average weekly wage for the remainder of the injured worker’s life. Workers’ compensation benefits to help injured workers in Colorado replace their lost income are important benefits for injured workers to be familiar with.