Two construction workers were recently transported to the hospital after they were struck by reinforcing bars that reportedly fell from 15 stories above. Falling objects are a major concern on many job sites, and companies in Colorado and elsewhere generally seek to prevent such incidents by taking measures to ensure all equipment is properly secured. Should a heavy load come loose from the floors above, the safety of all workers below could be placed at risk in the process.
The incident reportedly took place on a recent Thursday morning at the construction site of a hotel project. For reasons still under investigation, a reinforcing bar fell from the 15th story of the building and struck two workers. Both workers were subsequently transported to a medical facility for treatment of injuries shortly after the incident.
According to reports, all construction at the site will come to a stop while the Occupational Safety and Health Administration conducts an investigation of the incident. Accidents involving falling objects are far to common of an occurrence, as workers may constantly be transporting heavy materials to and from a variety of locations during a similar project. Even smaller objects that fall from several stories above can pose a threat to the health of workers, and addressing similar issues is essential to protecting employees.
Individuals who suffer major injuries in incidents involving falling objects may be entitled to monetary relief through the workers’ compensation insurance system. Since applying for benefits can be a complex process, a person could consider retaining the services of an attorney for assistance. An attorney in Colorado can examine the incident and assist a client in pursuing the full amount of benefits achievable.