Construction workers in Colorado know that they have a dangerous job, particularly when they work on highway projects. Now this fact has been painfully demonstrated again as two men have lost their lives while working on a highway project. The work injury happened in another state during the early morning hours.
According to a recent report, the two highway construction workers were on a highway placing cones to close a lane. As they worked to set up the cones in the left lane of the roadway, a car entered the lane from the right lane. Though it is unclear exactly why the driver changed lanes, he hit the construction workers in the left lane.
The two men died at the scene of the construction accident. Now, two families are grieving the loss of loved ones. In addition, the surviving families may be waiting for the results of an official investigation into the crash to determine why the car changed lanes when it did that fall morning.
As is the case with similar construction accident cases in Colorado, the surviving families in this case may be able to make claims against the workers’ compensation program of their state for the damages caused by the accident. These survivor benefit claims can include ones for the economic costs associated with losing a loved one in this type of tragedy. Though the emotional losses suffered are immeasurable, the financial benefits offered through a workers’ compensation claim that may be available in some construction accident cases can help survivors with day-to-day worries that may come when a family member dies.
Source:, “Police Identify Two Construction Workers Killed In Accident,” Ashley Michelle Williams, Jan. 9, 2013