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Colorado workers’ compensation intended to help injured workers

On Behalf of | Jan 11, 2013 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries

Readers in Colorado may be interested to learn about a man who was injured while at work in another state. The man suffered an ankle injury that will require surgery to repair. Now, the man will likely seek to have local work injury benefits pay for the cost of his recovery and medical care.

According to a report, the man was on the job at a recycling facility when the accident occurred. As a truck was picking up a recycling bin, the man caught his foot between the vehicle and the bin. This led to the non-life threatening injury that ended with the worker being taken to a local hospital for medical treatment.

A county official in the man’s home state says that the man will have his medical care paid for by workers’ compensation. This is often the case for those in Colorado who suffer similar injuries while at work. In addition to medical care, the insurance benefit may provide some assistance for the basic needs of the worker as he recovers.

When a person is injured while at work in our state, they may be able to make a claim to the workers’ compensation insurance program. The intent of the insurance is to provide assistance to those who are unable to work. The benefit can be available until an individual is able to return to work, as is expected in this case. If a person finds that they have suffered such an injury, they may wish to consider a complete review of all applicable rules for workers’ compensation in our own state.

Source: Union Daily Times, “County employee injured,” Charles Warner, Dec. 29, 2012

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