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Denver police officer injured on the job

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2012 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries

Officers frequently put their lives on the line for the safety and well-being of the public. Engaging in potentially dangerous activity is part of their job description, and when an officer is injured on the job, he or she may be entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits under Colorado law. Those benefits may prove to be of vital importance to one Denver police officer who was struck by a suspected drunk driver in late February.

The incident happened on the night of Feb. 27 while the officer was performing a routine traffic stop. However, as she was performing the stop, a 23-year-old driver slammed into her. That caused her to be pinned between her car and the stopped vehicle. She said she is not sure if she would be alive today if not for a second patrol car that absorbed the brunt of the crash.

Right now she is recovering in a hospital room in Denver where she is surrounded by get well wishes. Although she is recovering, the injuries she suffered are serious and she was not sure when she would be able to leave the hospital. The suspected drunk driver, meanwhile, has been charged with vehicular assault.

Employees of any Colorado industry should not have to suffer financially in addition to the physical pain caused by a workplace injury. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits are frequently available to those who, like the Denver police officer, are injured on the job. Although there are specific guidelines that outline how to apply for the benefits, they may be able to go toward covering the employee’s medical expenses as well as any lost wages.

Source: FOX 31 Denver, “Police officer hit by suspected drunk driver recovering,” Julie Hayden, March 1, 2012

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