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Being prepared for a disability hearing is important

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2019 | Firm News, Social Security Disability, Social Security Disability

A Social Security disability hearing is one of the phases in an appeals process when an initial claim for Social Security disability benefits has been denied. Being prepared for the Social Security disability hearing is important for the disabled applicant to obtain the benefits they need.

There are several phases of the appeals process that are available to disabled individuals who have been denied badly-needed benefits. Most applications for Social Security disability benefits are initially denied. This should not necessarily discourage the applicant as they have important appeals rights to be familiar with. The process may seem complex, confusing and overwhelming which is why trained guidance through the process can be helpful. Being prepared can help minimize stress and may also help obtain benefits.

There are several important elements to preparing for a Social Security disability hearing including preparing statements in advance; gathering and organizing medical evidence and records; engaging experts witnesses to provide statements during the hearing; and involving friends and family members who may wish to provide testimony at the hearing as well.

To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, the disabled applicant must meet the medical and work history requirements, including that they suffer from a medical condition that prevents them from working and is expected to last for 12 months or longer or result in death. Because of this, it is essential for the disabled applicant to be properly prepared for their disability hearing and be able to present strong evidence of their medical disability so they can receive disability benefits. Lawyers at our firm have helped clients get the benefits they deserve.

Practice Areas


Social Security
Disability (SSD)

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