Applying for Social Security disability is a big step in the right direction for disabled individuals needing help. It is a step in the right direction but can also be challenging which is why disabled individuals should be familiar with how applications for disability are reviewed and determined. Preparing a strong application for Social Security disability benefits is an important part of the process.
Claims for Social Security disability are typically processed and reviewed in local field offices. The application includes the applicant’s medical impairment information, the medical treatment they are receiving and additional information related to their disability. Medical records are an important component of the application so it is helpful for disabled individuals seeking benefits to keep detailed medical records information and to be able to provide organized medical records information.
Because eligibility for Social Security disability benefits is based on both the existences of a medical condition causing disability and the disabled applicant’s work history, the field office will also verify the non-medical eligibility requirements for benefits which can include employment, age, marital status and Social Security coverage information. The field offices have the initial responsibility to determine disability and to do so based on the medical evidence presented.
If the disabled applicant disagrees with the evaluation, they have important appeals options and rights to be familiar with. Because most applications for Social Security disability benefits are initially denied, it is helpful to be familiar with how to present a complete application but also how to appeal when necessary.