Workers’ compensation benefits are important benefits available to help workers with employment-related injuries and illnesses. Workers’ compensation benefits are a type of benefit that is available to injured workers in the state of Colorado and is an insurance program paid by employers.
Workers’ compensation disability benefits must be paid to injured workers to help them with injuries they suffer on the job. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system and most accidents, injuries and illnesses are covered by workers’ compensation benefits. Workers’ compensation benefits can help with necessary medical care the worker needs associated with their injury or illness; replacement income; vocational rehabilitation and costs or retraining; permanent disability; and survivors benefits for surviving loved ones when a worker is killed on the job in a fatal accident.
Wage replacement benefits can vary by state so it is helpful for injured workers to be familiar with the benefit amount in their state. Workers’ compensation is an alternative to a personal injury claim for damages which is also important for injured workers to keep in mind. However, independent contractors, business owners, private home employees and some other categories of workers are often excluded from coverage.
Workers’ compensation benefits are valuable benefits to help injured workers and their families through the period of time following a workplace accident or injury. As a result, injured workers should be familiar with the types of benefits available, in what circumstances they may be available and how they obtain the benefits they need when suffering a workplace injury or illness.