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The appeals process for Social Security Disability benefits

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2018 | Firm News, Social Security Disability

Knowing how to appeal a denied application for Social Security Disability benefits is essential because of the frequency with which applications for Social Security Disability benefits are denied. There are several levels of appeal available to disabled individuals who have had a claim for Social Security disability denied.

The first steps in the appeals process for Social Security disability benefits, which is not available in every state, so disabled individuals should be familiar with the options in their state, is the request for reconsideration. The request for reconsideration is essentially a fresh set of eyes reviewing the application and looking at it from the beginning. If the application for benefits remains denied following a request for reconsideration, the disabled applicant has additional appeals options to consider.

The second level for appealing a denied claim for Social Security Disability benefits is a hearing before an administrative law judge. It is important for the disabled individual to be familiar with what to expect from their hearing and to be properly prepared for it. If the application is denied following the hearing, the disabled individual has two additional options, including the Social Security Administration Appeals Council and an appeal to federal court.

Although many claims for disability benefits are initially denied, it is helpful for disabled individuals to be familiar with how to submit a strong initial application that includes their medical records and other required information. Disability benefits are an important lifeline for many disabled individuals, which is why they should be familiar with the application process and their appeals rights.

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Social Security
Disability (SSD)

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