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Preparing for a Social Security Disability appeals hearing

On Behalf of | Dec 5, 2018 | Firm News, Social Security Disability

A recent post here discussed the importance of the Social Security Disability appeals process. One important part of that process that disabled individuals should be prepared for is the hearing before an administrative law judge, which is why a closer look at the process may be helpful.

The appeals hearing before an administrative law judge is the second level of appeal in states that have a request for reconsideration available as the first level of appeal in those circumstances. Where a request for reconsideration is not available, the appeals hearing is the first level of appeal. At times, the appeals hearing process may seem overwhelming and lead to unnecessary stress for the disabled individual. Guidance through the process can help to attempt to ensure the disabled individual knows what to expect and is prepared for the hearing.

Preparing for the appeals hearing is just like preparing the initial application for Social Security Disability benefits and, in both circumstances, the disabled individuals should know what to expect and the information they will be expected to provide. As part of preparing for the appeals hearing process, pretrial statements will need to be prepared; medical evidence will need to be gathered and prepared; and any family member, friend, witness or expert witness testimony that is planned will need to be prepared.

It is important for the disabled individual to also be prepared for questions that may be asked and know what is being looked for during the hearing process. The appeals hearing is an important part of the Social Security Disability application and appeals process for disabled individuals to be familiar with and thoroughly prepared for.

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Social Security
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