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How are Social Security disability benefits reviewed?

On Behalf of | Oct 25, 2018 | Firm News, Social Security Disability

If your Social Security disability (SSD) benefits are being reviewed, or if you are receiving them but you are concerned about a review, you may have many questions about what the review process includes. It is helpful for recipients of Social Security disability benefits to understand what to expect from the review process and what it includes.

The Social Security Administration conducts Continuing Disability Reviews for those receiving Social Security disability benefits. It us useful to understand the frequency of the review process and what it entails. Continuing Disability Reviews are intended to determine if the disabled individual still meets the medical requirements for be eligible for SSD benefits and are conducted periodically. They are two components to qualify for Social Security disability benefits including medical eligibility requirements and work history requirements. The medical eligibility requirements are subject to ongoing review.

Reviews for continuing medical eligibility for SSD benefits are conducted through full medical reviews and mailers. The Social Security Administration determines disabled individuals who are less likely to medically improve and those individuals will receive a mailer. The SSA will then determine if a full medical review is necessary which is an extensive and costly process because it requires a new evaluation for disability. If the SSA determines there has been some medical improvement, it will be sent for a full medical review.

Social Security disability benefits review process can seem complex and may even cause anxiety which is why it is helpful to understand what to expect and be prepared to negotiate the process. Help navigating the process can also be useful if a disabled individual has concerns about the medical review process and keeping their much-needed benefits.

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Social Security
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