When a worker suffers a workplace injury, it may leave them in the difficult position as medical bills pile up while they are unable to work and earn any wages. It is a difficult position to be in. Depending on the circumstances, injured workers can be unable to work for weeks or months which is why it is important they are familiar with their workers’ compensation benefits.
For injuries suffered at work that are not permanent, there are a certain set of workers’ compensation that may be available that is useful for injured workers and their families to be familiar with. One type of workers’ compensation benefit that may be available is temporary total disability benefits. Temporary total disability benefits are available if the injured worker’s injury prevents them from returning to work. The benefit includes two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wages.
Further benefits include those for temporary partial disability. Temporary partial disability benefits are available for injured workers who are able to worker but not quite as they had before; these benefits help make up for the difference in the wage loss. It can sometimes be complicated to calculate these benefits so understanding how workers’ compensation benefits are determined can be critically important for injured workers to ensure they are receiving their full benefit. Benefits for medical bills may also be available.
Additional benefits may also be possible for workers and their families to seek depending on the circumstances. These benefits exist to ensure injured workers are protected. Workers and their families should carefully review and understand the workers’ compensation benefits available to help them during a difficult time following a workplace injury.