Understanding how Social Security disability benefits will be reviewed is important for recipients of disability benefits to understand. The Social Security Administration reviews the medical conditions of those receiving disability benefits from time to time to ensure that they continue to meet the definition of disability.
Because of how important Social Security disability (SSD) benefits are for many disabled individuals and their families, it is important for them to understand this process. In circumstances when the disabled individual’s health has not improved, or their disability continues to prevent them from working, they will generally continue to receive their disability benefits. A Social Security disability review is based on if the disabled individual continues to have a qualifying disability to receive disability benefits.
The frequency of Social Security disability reviews depends on the nature and severity of the disabled individual’s medical condition and if it is expected to improve. During the review process, the disabled individual will be asked how their medical condition impacts them and if it is expected to improve. Receipt of SSD benefits is based on the disabled individual’s medical condition which must be so severe that it prevents them from working and is expected to last a year or longer or result in death.
As is true of the original application for Social Security disability benefits, the disabled individual’s medical records will be reviewed and the decision will be made in the state office where the disabled individual resides. As is also true of an original application for Social Security disability benefits, there are several levels of appeal that are available to disabled individuals who do not agree with a decision made by the Social Security Administration. It is of great importance for disabled individuals to be familiar with the initial application process, the review process and the appeals process for receipt of important SSD benefits.