If you receive social security disability benefits, but are still struggling to make ends meet, there may be additional support available to you. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is often available to those who require long term residential care or other similar services in Colorado.
The maximum federal SSI benefit is likely to change from year to year. In 2018, the SSI benefit increased because the consumer price index increased between the third quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of 2017.
A Colorado resident who is eligible for a supplemental payment may now receive $775 per month (a $25 state supplement and a $750 basic federal benefit). The federal benefit rate is $1,125 for a couple. SSI recipients are also automatically eligible for Medicaid in Colorado.
In addition to this, Colorado may further supplement the Federal SSI benefit in some circumstances. For example, an increased state supplement may be paid to SSI recipients who live in an adult foster home or who must staff a care provider to remain in their own home. Low-income disabled children may also be eligible for additional support.
If recent developments in your health or disability aren’t covered by your current social security disability benefits, consider contacting an attorney to learn more about SSI and whether you may be eligible to receive support.