Since the Social Security Administration can access an applicant’s work history many applicants make the mistake of not furnishing evidence regarding their work history when applying for Social Security Disability benefits. This mistake could be one of the reasons almost 70 percent of all first-time applications are rejected.
Colorado residents may not realize that they need to provide work-history information to the SSA so that the vocational aspects of the claim can be assessed. This means not only knowing where one worked and for how long, but also the duties that were associated with the job. What was the nature of the job-did it require lifting heavy objects or sitting at a desk for a long period of time? How long did one need to work in a day and in a week and what was the remuneration for this work?
The more information that is provided to the examiner, the clearer picture he or she can develop about the applicant. This is very important-if the examiner believes that the applicant can still perform some form of work, they will end up denying the SSD benefits application. Providing as much information as possible and being as specific as possible when filling out the work history form is in the applicant’s best interests.
Understanding the requirements, both medical and work-related, for an SSD benefits application can be overwhelming, especially when one is already suffering from a disabling condition. A denial based on work history could be the last straw for many applicants, which is why it might be beneficial to consult an experienced professional who may have helpful information.