Social Security Disability benefits exist to help qualifying Colorado residents get the financial aid they need to make ends meet, as they are no longer able to work. One of the reasons a person may find himself or herself unable to work and earn a living is because they are suffering from memory loss.
There are a number of reasons for memory loss, from medications and psychological disorders to dementia and head injuries. Depending on one’s condition, memory loss can be either short term, where patients do not remember what happened merely seconds ago while they can clearly recall childhood events, or long term, in which current memories are retained but not why they walked into a room. Either way, confusion, disorientation, getting lost in familiar places, mood changes, trouble following directions, misplacing items and forgetting how to use them are common symptoms of memory loss.
In a workplace, such a condition can become a danger not just for the person suffering from the condition but also for those around them. For example, if someone gets disoriented while operating heavy machinery or suddenly forgets how to perform simple tasks, they are likely to become a liability in the workplace. For this reason, it is usually impossible for someone with memory loss to hold down a job.
To qualify for SSD benefits, applicants must prove they suffer from one or all of the criteria listed, including suffering from hallucinations, have abrupt changes in mood or personality, loss of IQ of 15 or more points and are disoriented with regards to time and location. This can be proven with the requisite medical documentation and an experienced attorney may be able to help applicants through the overwhelming process.