Although the Social Security Administration has been running the federal program of Social Security Disability benefits for many years, there are still a number of myths that affect Colorado residents’ understanding of the system and the rules and regulations surrounding it. A lot of misinformation is accepted as truth and can be detrimental in the long run.
Social Security takes good care of divorced spouses, if the marriage lasted 10 years or longer. If that’s the case, then the ex-spouse can receive spousal benefits even if they have limited or non-existent work histories themselves. Their entitlement is to a benefit that is one-half of their divorced spouse’s full disability benefit and this doesn’t affect the primary recipient.
Stepchildren, along with biological and adopted children, are entitled to survivor’s benefits if they qualify. When someone becomes disabled, qualifying children can become eligible for up to 50 percent of the full-retirement age benefit. There are certain requirements that stepchildren must meet, such as period of time they must have lived with the recipient, their marital status and how long the relationship should have existed.
The Social Security Administration no doubt runs a tight ship, but this doesn’t mean that people should hesitate from applying for the benefits they deserve. Although the process can be overwhelming and complicated at times, an experienced attorney can help eligible individuals attempt to get the SSD benefits they need to make ends meet. Applicants will need to be sure that they have all of the necessary documentation to be successful in their attempt to be approved to receive SSD benefits.