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Financial advice service: “Get help early” in SSD process

On Behalf of | Apr 29, 2018 | Firm News, Social Security Disability

The social safety net is a collection of private and government programs that help people in need. Here in Colorado, we provide support with programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid, the Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation and more. As most of us know, one of the strongest strands of the safety net is Social Security Disability.

Workers disabled by injury or illness can get financial assistance that helps them keep a roof over their heads and food on their tables. It’s not easy to get the help, however. There’s a rigorous and complex process that takes a lot of time, patience, persistence and knowledge to get through first. Financial advice publication Kiplinger said recently that the best way to make it through the SSD process successfully is to “get help early.”

The best form of help comes from an attorney who understands how to document the serious medical issue that prevents a person from working, as well as how best to present that information to the Social Security Administration.

Far too often, people take on the job of applying for SSD, only to have their claim rejected for relatively minor clerical errors or omissions. A lawyer familiar with the process knows not only which documents are needed, but how to make the best case that a claimant is eligible and deserving.

Kiplinger said recently, “Representatives can help you locate and file key information and represent you at a Social Security hearing. The application process is complicated and arduous, and a host of little things and misstatements can slow down your claim, or even result in a denial.”

Contact an attorney experienced in Social Security Disability appeals to learn more about your legal options.

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Social Security
Disability (SSD)

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