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Fallen window results in serious workplace injury for 1

On Behalf of | Mar 8, 2018 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries

Individuals in Colorado may face a variety of hazards in the workplace each day, some of which may depend on the field in which they are employed. However, certain risks, such as falling objects, can be present in a multitude of professions, and these can pose a serious threat to the health of an individual. A 45-year-old man reportedly suffered a serious workplace injury in a recent construction accident after a window fell from above and struck him.

The incident reportedly took place just before 8 a.m. on a recent Monday while the man was performing work at the site of a renovation project. According to reports, a window frame suddenly fell from the fourth floor of the building and struck him, subsequently pinning him to the ground. Upon arriving at the scene, emergency responders rushed him to a medical facility for treatment of severe injuries.

Officials have advised that they requested a cease of operations pending further investigation into the incident. Falling objects remain a serious concern in many professions, as even a smaller object that falls from similar heights can place the safety of a worker at risk. Workers who suffer severe injuries under similar circumstances may face the likelihood of having to take leave from employment, and when coupled with medical expenses, the financial ramifications of such an incident can be significant.

Individuals who suffer a serious workplace injury may be entitled to financial relief through the workers’ compensation insurance system. Since this can be a complex process, one could consider retaining the services of an experience attorney for assistance. An attorney in Colorado can examine a client’s circumstances and assist him or her in pursuing the full amount of compensation available.

Source: sentinelandenterprise.com, “Man injured in construction accident at Fitchburg’s former Sanitoy Mill“, Elizabeth Dobbins, March 6, 2018

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