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Demolition negligence can cause a deadly construction accident

On Behalf of | Dec 14, 2017 | Construction Workers' Accidents, Firm News

Compliance with safety regulations is vital during the demolition of any building in Colorado. One single error could result in a fatal construction accident, and putting safety precautions in place may take a few minutes, but it could avoid years of trauma for an injured construction worker. Adequate safety training is vital, and supervisors must enforce the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, and ensure everyone on-site knows how to use it.

An appropriately qualified person must do a final sweep of the building prior to demolition. He or she must ensure no person or object remains in the building. Unauthorized people must be monitored to ensure they are kept away from the site, and only once the person in charge has completed the final sweep must the demolition take place. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that just suitably qualified professionals handle the explosive materials.

All walkways and ceilings must be securely braced to ensure any worker who has to enter the structure, for whatever reason, will be safe in the event of an unanticipated collapse. The danger continues even after the demolition is done. During the cleaning up of the debris, all workers must wear gloves, masks and work boots. It is essential to remain vigilant because this is a dangerous stage of the demolition process, and all employees on the site at this time must understand the potential hazards and know how to protect themselves.

Any Colorado worker who is injured in a construction accident is likely eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. However, the administrative and legal procedures of the claims process could be challenging at a time when the victim is trying to recover enough to return to work. Many injured workers choose to utilize the skills of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to navigate the process that may provide benefits to cover medical expenses and lost wages.

Source: cdrecycler.com, “Top five safety precautions for demolition“, Dec. 13, 2017

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