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Lack of sleep could raise the risk of a serious workplace injury

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2017 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries

There are many circumstances in which a dangerous workplace accident might occur. Although each job might include its own hazards, there are a few concerns that may be universal, such as tiredness and/or fatigue on the job. Recent studies even suggest that individuals in Colorado and elsewhere who work while sleepy are at a higher risk of being involved in an accident, and subsequently suffering a workplace injury.

According to studies, those who work while tired are up to 70 percent more likely to be involved in an accident than others. Among those surveyed in the study, over 40 percent claim they have experienced fatigue at work in relation to a lack of sleep. This is alarming in numerous ways, perhaps especially since a sleepy worker can exhibit many of the same behaviors as one who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

While this may seem to be a personal issue, many individuals may simply not have enough time to get an ample amount of sleep, especially in fields that have demanding workplace schedules. Aside from hindering performance, fatigue can be dangerous, and workplace accidents can in some cases lead to serious injuries, or even fatal ones. Companies may attempt to reduce this risk by checking on employees on a regular basis, perhaps to ensure that they remain focused on and engaged in work-related activities.

Regardless of how it occurs, a workplace injury can be devastating, and serious injuries could spark a need for assistance throughout the recovery process. When a person experiences similar challenges, he or she may choose to pursue compensation through the necessary outlets, but this can be challenging to achieve alone. By speaking with an attorney, a client in Colorado could obtain advice on the available options, as well as assistance in navigating the process.

Source: marketwatch.com, “This is the worst mistake people make at work“, Quentin Fottrell, July 28, 2017

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