Working in close proximity to large vehicles can be hazardous. Construction companies in Colorado are often required to have indicators in place to inform nearby workers when these vehicles are backing up, but areas of construction are often noisy. With construction injuries involving heavy load-bearing vehicles, the harm to a worker can be extensive. In some cases, they prove to be fatal.
In a recent accident in another state, two men were ran over by a dump truck while attempting to clean up a highway mudslide. One of the men was taken to a hospital shortly after the accident. The other worker died from his injuries. It is unclear if the truck involved had working back-up indicators at the time of the accident.
Construction sites are dangerous, particularly if the proper precautions are not in place. With workers handling different areas of construction, lack of communication can create unnecessary hazards. Most work-related accidents may be avoided by following safety procedures. In similar accidents resulting in injury or death, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration typically investigates to determine if any violations occurred.
Workers who suffer construction injuries are often faced with financial hardships. Being forced to take time off from work wreak havoc on a family’s budget. In the event of a death, the victim’s family may have extensive medical and/or funeral bills. Those in Colorado who are facing similar situations often choose to speak with an experienced attorney for advice on how to obtain relief through the workers’ compensation insurance system.
Source:, “Highway 17: Worker killed by dump truck while cleaning up mudslide“, Mark Gomez, Feb. 9, 2017