Operators of wood chippers or shredders put their lives on the line during every shift they work. Colorado company owners must ensure that only adequately trained workers operate these dangerous machines. A 23-year-old man recently died in another state after suffering a fatal workplace injury while he was operating a wood chipper.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the incident. This may have been one of many such cases in which a new worker was left to work with a dangerous piece of equipment without receiving any training in the safe operation of the machine. In this case, the victim reportedly lost his life on his first day on the job when he was pulled into the machine.
It is not known whether this man had any previous experience in working with a wood chipper. OSHA reports that there are strict guidelines and safety regulations pertaining to this industry with which company owners must comply. Both permanent and temporary workers must be properly trained and also monitored to ensure safe protocols are followed.
Whenever a Colorado worker dies after suffering a fatal workplace injury, the surviving family members may pursue financial relief. Although all workers have the same rights to safe workplaces, the family of this man may have difficulty obtaining workers’ compensation death benefits because this was his first day of a new job. A consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney may provide the necessary support and guidance to successfully navigate the administrative and legal proceedings required to obtain compensation for end-of-life expenses.
Source: wsbradio.com, “Worker dies in gruesome accident on first day on the job”, May 6, 2016