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Construction injuries cause death of Colorado roof worker

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2015 | Construction Workers' Accidents, Firm News

Instead of profits, Colorado company owners must regard worker safety as a priority. Too many workers lose their lives after suffering fatal construction injuries that could — in most cases — have been avoided had the employers cared enough to comply with safety regulations. Employees must not be expected to work in environments that have not been assessed for safety hazards.

One of two construction workers recently lost his life when he was expected to navigate his way across a roof in the dark. The police who responded to the emergency call reported that the incident occurred before sunrise on a recent Monday morning. Two workers used a ladder to get onto the metal roof of a building under construction. One worker apparently stepped into an unprotected opening and fell 15 feet. He died at the scene of the accident.

First responders reportedly found a plywood sheet on the roof and reported that it may have covered the opening in an entirely ineffective way. It is also suspected that the workers were not issued with flashlights or any other light source because none were found at the accident scene. There would have been no way for the worker to be able to see the dangerous opening with the flimsy cover. 

Colorado families who have lost loved ones in on-the-job accidents that caused fatal construction injuries may be overwhelmed by heartache, but they will have to cope with the financial pressures of end-of-life arrangements. Fortunately, the workers’ compensation insurance fund offers death benefits to covered dependents. Claims may be filed for compensation to cover a funeral and burial, and a financial package based on the deceased worker’s wage level will be included in the benefits.

Source: thedenverchannel.com, “Police: Darkness may be factor in construction worker’s deadly fall through mall roof in Longmont“, Deb Stanley, Alan Gathright, Aug. 31, 2015

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