Road workers in construction zones nationwide are exposed to numerous safety hazards every day, and Colorado is no different. Not only are they threatened by the dangerous conditions and equipment present in the work zone but also the actions of irresponsible motorists who fail to take due care when entering construction zones. The Associated General Contractors of America recently conducted a survey that revealed shocking statistics of construction injuries and deaths that resulted from auto accidents in construction zones.
The results of the survey indicated that the majority of road construction workers have seen vehicle accidents in the construction zones in which they were working at least once — but often more — during the past year. In many of these accidents, negligent drivers caused injuries or death to construction zone workers. The survey participants said the frequency of such accidents is growing as motorists are traveling at higher rates of speed. Most road construction workers would like to see more rigorous enforcement of existing traffic laws for motorists traveling in construction zones.
Injured construction workers are entitled to workers’ compensation, regardless of whom or what was responsible for the injuries. Workers’ compensation covers most of the medical expenses related to the accident but offers no coverage for pain and suffering. However, non-economic damages may be obtained by filing a third-party liability claim in a civil court. When the negligence of an individual who does not work for the same company as the injured person caused the accident, that party — along with any separate owner of the vehicle — may be held liable for damages.
Similarly, the surviving families of workers who suffered fatal construction injuries may pursue workers’ compensation death benefits, and they have the same option to pursue third-party liability claims to recover full compensation. The assistance of experienced Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys who also focus on third-party liability claims may be invaluable. Such a professional can handle both claims and protect the rights of the client throughout the process.
Source:, “Nearly half of road contractors have seen a work zone vehicle crash in the last year“, Chris Hill, Accessed on June 12, 2015