Current reports continue to unveil the dangerous working conditions that exist in the construction industry. With the highest number of accidents and risk factors, working on a construction site can require intensified safety precautions and alertness. When safety fails and a Colorado construction accident takes place, the victim may seek legal action to collect rightful compensation benefits. A family now faces the difficult reality of this kind of situation when a crane collapse killed a worker in a construction accident.
The fatal construction accident occurred when a crane, which was mounted on a steel chassis, fell while in use and moving material on site at a church build. When the crane collapsed on its side the cab of the machine began sinking into the soil. Crew members working at the construction site attempted to dig the crane cab out of the soft ground until first responders arrived. The man was removed from the accident and taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. Colorado families who lose their loved ones in a crane accident may feel a desire to seek justice in the midst of their grief.
Police believe that the condition of the dirt on site could have been part of the cause of the accident. Hydraulic outriggers used to keep the crane stable during use could have failed in soil with poor conditions, making it too soft to support the machine adequately. When the crane fell, it damaged a nearby fence and landed somewhat in a neighboring home’s yard. Luckily, nobody else was hurt.
As OSHA continues their investigation, they may find factors that contributed to the cause of the accident. If the courts decide that faulty mechanisms on the crane or inadequate soil analysis prior to breaking ground is responsible for contributing to the accident, then the victim’s family may pursue additional legal action against a third party. The family may receive workers’ compensation for when the crane collapse killed the worker in the construction accident, but additional restitution may be sought.
Source:, Operator killed as crane topples at Maplewood construction site, Sarah Horner, Oct. 21, 2013