Details currently remain few regarding a recent work-related accident that left one man in the hospital in another state. The man is said to have been on the job when the accident happened. Readers in Colorado may be able to relate to the man who was in his work-related truck when he was injured at work.
According to a report, the man was in his truck when it was struck by an electrical wire on a highway in another state. It appears that the man was injured while working, though it is not clear if he was at work on the roadway where the accident occurred. What is known is that when officials arrived, a person was administering chest compressions on the man. He was later taken to the hospital where he remains in critical condition.
Officials from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are investigating the accident. As they do, they may seek to discover if the man was injured while working or if he was outside of his employment when the incident occurred. If he was indeed on the job when the power line hit his truck, he may find that he is able to apply for benefits under the state’s workers’ compensation program.
Like those who are injured while working in Colorado, the man in this case may find that he needs the income provided by the workers’ compensation program. The benefit payments made to those who have suffered injury can help with medical costs and basic needs as a person works to return to regular employment. In many cases of those who suffer injury as the man did in this recent incident, the benefits may be available to assist the injured worker.
Source:, “O’Fallon man is critically injured in work-related accident,” Robyn L. Kirsch, Feb. 2, 2013