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Colorado firefighters may be injured on the job helping others

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2012 | Firm News, Workplace Injuries

Being injured at work is a risk that people from many different fields take in Colorado. During the past few months, firefighters in particular have faced many dangerous situations in our state. They, and others who take risks while on the job, may be interested to learn of the efforts being made by some firefighters in another state to return to work after being injured on the job.

In September of this year, firefighters in another state were asked to respond to a school fire. Valiant efforts were made to save the historic school, though the building was completely destroyed. Unfortunately, several firefighters were injured during the fight of the blaze, some of who have yet to be able to recover enough to return to work.

The two firefighters that are still recovering from their injuries may be able to obtain payment through assistance programs such as workers’ compensation. Though not always available in every case of a worker injured on the job, in many instances the insurance fund can help a worker during their recovery period. The funds paid to the injured person may help with medical expenses or daily living needs.

Though each case of a worker injured on the job in Colorado is different, the workers’ compensation insurance program is there to help many. Intended as a benefit for those who suffer injuries while working, the payments are typically made in monthly amounts to help with recovery expenses. In cases such as that of the firefighters in another state, the money may go a long way to getting the brave men back to the important job of protecting the citizens of their city.

Source: fox23.com, “Firefighters injured battling fire return to work,” Oct. 22, 2012

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