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Construction accident: Worker trapped under paving machine

On Behalf of | Sep 26, 2012 | Construction Workers' Accidents, Firm News

Colorado construction workers may cringe over the details of a recent construction accident in the northwest. Reports indicate that the accident involved a worker being pinned underneath a paving machine for nearly an hour. The result of the construction accident was serious injuries which left the man in critical condition. Though this accident happened in another state, similar accidents could just as easily happen on a Colorado roadway.

Construction zones on roadways are often dangerous due to the limited visibility, large machinery, and loud noises. A co-worker of the man injured in this accident stated that he is unsure of how the man became pinned. He noted that the work crews traditionally spot one another when the large machinery is moved. All that is known is that the paving machine was in reverse when it hit and pinned the worker.

The man works for Granite Construction in the state of Washington. The company and the Washington State Patrol are investigating the accident. The specific extent of the man’s injuries has not been disclosed, though reports do indicate that he remained in critical condition. The worker was taken to a Washington hospital, and then transported to another hospital in Portland.

A construction accident like this one is devastating to the injured worker and their family. This man may be facing a grueling, lengthy recovery process from such a severe injury. As he moves forward, financial concerns should not burden him and his family, and they may benefit from assistance in seeking workers’ compensation benefits to cover his medical expenses and lost income from work while he struggles to recover. Workers’ compensation benefits can help Colorado workers injured in an accident to maintain financial stability as they recover and may help them steer clear of mounting medical debt.

Source: kimatv.com, “Construction worker pinned under paving machine on I-5,” Valerie Hurst, Sept. 20, 2012

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