Employers In Colorado May Select Physician In Workers’ Compensation Claims
Many occupations place workers in dangerous situations that increase the risk of an on-the-job injury. These workers know that they need to perform their daily activities carefully, as any mistakes can result in an accident that may cause harm to themselves or to their coworkers.
While some occupations immediately come to mind when someone thinks of a dangerous job, nearly any worker could suffer an injury when he or she least expects. Some workers may fall off a roof building a house, while others may get a repetitive stress injury while sitting behind a desk.
No matter how the injury occurred, the end result is still the same. The injured worker needs medical treatment before he or she will be able to work again. This means that they will need compensation while they miss work, and they may file a workers’ compensation claim to receive benefits while they are recovering.
Those filing workers’ compensation claims may not know what to expect throughout the process. One of the first things that an injured worker should do is to report his or her injury to a supervisor. This can help get the process started and allow the individual to receive the treatment that will be needed to return back to work.
In Colorado, the employer is allowed to pick the physician that will provide the treatment to the injured worker. Often, the employer will have an existing business relationship with a health care provider, and select that person to treat the injury. This can potentially save the employer money, but it leads to concerns for those who have been injured. Employers want to save money, and they may opt for those physicians that can provide treatment on a cost-conscious basis.
Injured workers may feel that the care they are receiving is not actually helping them recover completely from their injuries, but rather simply getting them healthy enough to return to work. This can create potentially dangerous situations for the injured worker, because he or she may feel pressure to return to work before the injuries have healed.
Understandably, this may lead to the workers potentially questioning the physicians that have been appointed by the employer. However, if the worker decides to pursue treatment from a different physician without the employer’s prior approval, the employee could be held responsible for any medical expenses that may arise.
There are many other requirements that will arise after someone has been injured on-the-job. Speak to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. While it can be difficult to miss work, you need to be sure that you are receiving the benefits you are entitled to, as well as the care that you need to return to work.